And the 28 day Juice Begins…

breathoffreshairThe Science of clean, healthy, efficient cells.   Thats the best way to describe Juicing in a nutshell.  That is what I gathered from watching #SJM a second time.   I am prepared.  I did a full blood panel and have my Dr.’s OK.   The materials & tools are prepped and ready, my wife is on board, I have the ingredients.  I’m very impressed with the App that you use to prepare as well as daily activities and coaching.  What have I forgotten?  Will I have problems in the bathroom department?  Do I have the mindset and the willpower to last 28 days?  Many others before me have succeeded and some have failed but what have I got to lose.

I will be blogging about this pretty frequently so… Here goes nothing or something and here’s to your health.  It looks pretty good!