Sweet Beet – 1 Down 27 To Go

Day 2…I made it past Day 1.  I think I urinated about 30 Times!  No lie.  But  I do have a spastic bladder fbreathoffreshair2rom the MS and I did forget to take my pills until almost noon?  MS  Fog maybe, but I was so busy today with work while trying to fit in Juicing and getting everything cleaned up .  What a mess I made.  It certainly is a lot of work for someone with limited mobility and only use of 1 good hand.  My product looks NOTHING like theirs but its in the same hue.

The Juices (2 different ones 2 times in the day) along with the Ginger Shot were tolerably tasty.  I’d be lying  if I said I was not craving something sweet or crunchy.  I will say I was full for the most part and hunger was not a factor.  The going to the bathroom all the time most certainly is!  Cleaning the machine and the containers….tedious.  It will be worth it Im sure.

My wife and I worked together to get everything ready tonight for tomorrow (Day 2) by preparing the portions and putting most ingredients all in 1 bag for each Juice session.  It can only get easier and after all…it is mind over matter.