All posts by Dave

And the 28 day Juice Begins…

breathoffreshairThe Science of clean, healthy, efficient cells.   Thats the best way to describe Juicing in a nutshell.  That is what I gathered from watching #SJM a second time.   I am prepared.  I did a full blood panel and have my Dr.’s OK.   The materials & tools are prepped and ready, my wife is on board, I have the ingredients.  I’m very impressed with the App that you use to prepare as well as daily activities and coaching.  What have I forgotten?  Will I have problems in the bathroom department?  Do I have the mindset and the willpower to last 28 days?  Many others before me have succeeded and some have failed but what have I got to lose.

I will be blogging about this pretty frequently so… Here goes nothing or something and here’s to your health.  It looks pretty good!


Bench of Dreams and Tools too – Pretty sweet #DREAMBENCH

jewelersbenchMy wife works at a Jewelry shop and this popped up in my surfing 1 day and I wanted to pass along as I love good tools and fine work surfaces.  Albeit my dexterity ain’t what it used to be with the MS and all.  But hey…A contest is a contest and FREE is a good thing.

This company #laserstar has some pretty cool lasers as well – I’ve seen them in action, they are nasty Ms. Jackson!  But thats a good thing.

So head on over to and be sure to enter their #DREAMBENCH contest.  Better hurry!  While you’re  there, check out the “lasers”!


#49 – and JCV Negative

Not much more to say but Infusion #49 and JCV results are a Negative [Titer.10].  SPMS is not being kind to me but there are others far worse and have the scary position of being JC + with a high Titer.  I’m not sure what I would do at this point.  So many come off of Ty and switch to a different drug, have a relapse or reaction and are back on #Tysabri again.  These are not easy decisions to make any boat you are in.  They say MS is not a death sentence but recently 2 or 3 MS patients I’m aware of have died.

Mobility seems to be getting worse and driving or getting into the car is a constant struggle.   Mental acuity is still there thank goodness! Tiredness has a whole new meaning these days but yet somehow, I’m awake writing a blog at 3 in the morning.  Stress remains high and difficult to deal with.  My 1st Therapeutic massage is the 16th so hopefully that will help.  Maybe I can even start driving to PT again.  🙂

Infusion 49

Blasting, Juicing, Shaking – Can it make a Difference?

So a couple of weeks ago I bought a NutriBullet 900 and have been reading Juicing blogs including one that led me to    The 96 minutes is WELL worth a full watch especially for anyone like me with a chronic illness or disease that might be taking drugs and is concerned about your overall health.  No better time than the present, Eh?

Before purchasing the NB900, I succumbed to a late night infomercial of the previous model and several YouTube video reviews of this new monster that did not even appear to be available on the company’s webpage.  Guess the 2 for 1 sale of the old model was a good indication of the arrival of the new model I was about to purchase.

No need for me to review how awesome the NB900 is – just look up the reviews on YouTube yourself.  I have used several times in the past 2 weeks and really like it.  Now I need to apply to the SuperJuiceMe principals.

The real crux of this post is to inform you of the Juicing Experiment and that I plan on taking part in it and documenting as I go.  Wouldn’t that be something if I could reduce my medicine intake, stop being a borderline Type 2 Diabetic, Stop using a CPAP, lose weight, have an adverse affect on my Multiple Sclerosis and improve my health by following a Juicy and healthier lifestyle?  Check out the SuperJuiceMe Experiment and see what you think.

To our improved health!

Shop, Donate, Smile

Do you shop at #Amazon as much as I do?   I mean who does not want a package to open daily delivered to your doorstep?  Even if it is toilet bowl cleaner or batteries for your #NeatoRobotics XV-21 Vacuum or supplies for your next Super Bowl Party.  Who has time to go out and get all that crap day in and day out even if you don’t have a chronic illness.  I’ve saved gas and time — that warrants an #AmazonPrime subscription without question after the first week of use.

I could be embarassed to admit how much I actually spend a year in online purchases; but maybe not.  Others may be more so.  You know who you are.  🙂

Well tonight my buddy Jerry Frye of Frye’s Painting told me about #AmazonSmile.

Wanna give back to the MS community or another org?
Use Amazon Smile!

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same Amazon Prime benefits.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at

Every Bit Counts!  Thanks Amazon for #GivingBack!


Tysabri Infusion #46 – and Saline Shortage!

Today was Tysabri infusion # 46 and boy did I need it.  My knees have felt like they are being blow torched every time I sat or stood.  I took special notice to the tiny bags of saline that were being used (read: rationed) and asked what the deal was.
Turns out there is a US hospital shortage ––sector.html;_ylt=AwrBEiKkOOhSBmoAFufQtDMD

Tysabri # 35
Tysabri # 46

Tattoo Day – MS is no Fantasy Island

MS certainly remains a mystery as there is no cure – only treatments. Many argue there will never be a cure as there is no money to be made in the cure but that’s not positive thinking or a hopeful attitude. This can create unneeded additional stress which is another thing we MSers are told exacerbates our conditions further.
March brings MS awareness month and I’ve been planning something big and permanent. A Tattoo.  Many MSers show their Faith and Hope for a cure by making a permanent mark on their skin with meaning.
For me, this has been about a year in the thought and design process.   It included engaging a artist and fraternity brother, Jason Lenox.  I have known and held with high regard for many years.  The Tattoo artist, Dust Deimler – can be found at 717 Tattoo – in Mechanicsburg –  I was referred to him by a client/friend who had several hours of work with Dust.    It finally came to fruition this Past Sunday.

There are a lot of things going on here with many hidden elements but I wont disclose them all.  It’s a wind blown sun with tattered rays and a smirk.  Strength and power are represented even though it is weathered and beaten.  The Multiple Sclerosis “orange” ribbon is carried by the Sun and the Rays that are exposed and torn represent the Myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibers carrying impulses.  This Myelin gets destroyed and damaged in the chronic illness that myself and millions of others deal with on a daily basis. There are other things in there too but will remain personal.

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness month.  I’m aware every day….
