All posts by Dave

#51 -Beating the Heat

Summer’s here and the time is right to avoid the heat!  Especially for MS suffer51ers.

I Had infusion # 51 today and a blood draw for regular stats and levels as well as the JC Stratify with Index
to test for the JC Virus which can indicate unfavorable titer levels and make you think twice about taking Tysabri.  Higher levels can mean higher risk of getting PML (Primary multifocal leukoencephalopathy).  This rare brain virus that we are at risk of getting does not seem so rare

“When I Walk” – A man’s Journey with MS

Did you watch “When I Walk? – – The trials and tribulations of Director / Filmaker 25-year-old Jason DaSilva’s journey with Multiple Sclerosis.wheniwalk

It’s available to stream for a limited time!  If you have MS or support a friend or family member with this chronic illness, its a must watch.

Comment on what you thought about it! Did you watch with others or alone? Are they MSers or Family/Friends?

It is also available for purchase HERE

Great job Jason! #wheniwalk

Day 13 of Juicing – The Ginger Shot

20140614-112329-41009647.jpgThe best combo of all the ingredients so far has been the nugget (2″ cut) of ginger root and gala apple juiced together in a shot. It really gets ya going 1st thing in the morning.
Weeks 1 and 2 have been followed to a the letter. It has not always been “easy” especially the 1st 2 days. After that hurdle, the juice / blend concoctions have always made me full. Some even give you gas (red beets).

Another Prank Phishing Support call…TO Me

Prank Phishing call

These are fake support calls from a person of Indian dialect. One time I even had a woman on the line trying the scam on me.  Clearly u can hear the others in the sweatshop call house running the same script to fake you into compromising your computer and getting you to give up information you should not. This could include credit card or other payment for services that are not necessary making you believe that your computer is sending out viruses to their server or some other BS.
They have called me many times before as well as 4 times today after I messed with them and told them I knew their scam and what they were doing.

Them:  “Who Told you this is a scam?”

Me: “Bill Gates…”

Their phone #’s are always fake or private too.
Call a reputable local computer technician if u r having problems. NO ONE WILL CALL YOU!  Enjoy the snippet of video HERE:

Doorbot – Gadget of the Month

doorbotAnyone who knows me, knows I’m all about gadgets.  I love home automation and making things easier for myself.  Work Smarter, not Harder – RIGHT?

Well I’m revisiting a gadget I saw a while ago but was still in the manufacturing stage and pre-order phase.  In fact it even went thru a redesign and footprint shrink and was seen on #SharkTank.  Meet the #Doorbot.  A secure Wifi audio/video Doorbell that calls your mobile device no matter where you are.  I just received it the other day and set it up.   Although I still need to physically secure it outside by the door, it can be powered by your existing doorbell or taken off and charged quickly.  The unit already comes fully charged and is supposed to last about a year?!  Setup was fairly simple.  Video is slightly jenky / unclear but 2-way audio is fairly decent.  The Camera eye is adjustable from the back I did test when the device was right next to the iPhone so I did experience some delay / feedback.  The 1 thing I would like to see is the ability to initiate the view of the door from the iPhone without someone pressing the button at the #Doorbot !  Cool Gadget though.  Should help me with the next package I have to sign for or Jehovah’s Witnesses that I can not answer the door for 🙂

Discount code “DOORBOT-TEN”

Sweet Beet – 1 Down 27 To Go

Day 2…I made it past Day 1.  I think I urinated about 30 Times!  No lie.  But  I do have a spastic bladder fbreathoffreshair2rom the MS and I did forget to take my pills until almost noon?  MS  Fog maybe, but I was so busy today with work while trying to fit in Juicing and getting everything cleaned up .  What a mess I made.  It certainly is a lot of work for someone with limited mobility and only use of 1 good hand.  My product looks NOTHING like theirs but its in the same hue.

The Juices (2 different ones 2 times in the day) along with the Ginger Shot were tolerably tasty.  I’d be lying  if I said I was not craving something sweet or crunchy.  I will say I was full for the most part and hunger was not a factor.  The going to the bathroom all the time most certainly is!  Cleaning the machine and the containers….tedious.  It will be worth it Im sure.

My wife and I worked together to get everything ready tonight for tomorrow (Day 2) by preparing the portions and putting most ingredients all in 1 bag for each Juice session.  It can only get easier and after all…it is mind over matter.